Birth to Five Mental Health

It is difficult for some people to imagine but there are many therapists that focus on the mental health of the little ones. Young children are impacted positively and negatively by what is happening to themselves internally and externally. A therapy session with children between the ages 0-5 years are normally done didactically (therapist, child, and caregiver) and the sessions are aimed to last 50-60 minutes but can shorten if needed. Therapy with young children is conducted through play or arts due to young children’s lack of verbal abilities to express their needs or past experiences. Below are some of the therapy styles that have been proven to be effective through research:

Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) – This model is for children of ages 0-5 and have experienced at least one trauma that has caused a disruption in their behavior or attachment. The treatment focuses on supporting the relationship between the child and his/her caregiver while restoring the child’s cognitive, behavioral, and social functioning. Play based therapy.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) – For children ages 0-7 years old. Therapy for children with challenging behaviors such as aggression, non-compliance, defiance, and temper tantrums. The therapist focuses on the parent-child relationship on its first phase then targets the negative behaviors on the second and last phase.

Sand-Tray Therapy – The child through play with figurines in a sand tray can express his/her current mental state. The therapist can facilitate the child to find solutions to his/her problems through the explorations of what is being displayed in his/her play.

Managing and Adapting Practices (MAP) – This therapy utilizes practices from different treatment models combined to address the client’s symptoms and behaviors. This practice is utilized not only with children 0-5 years.

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