DIY Robot costume

Trying to find ways to reuse cardboard boxes? How about dressing up your child as a robot?! My son asked me for a robot after seeing a movie and I thought, better than buying one, let’s transform him in it! Below is an easy step-by-step way to make a costume.

1- Keep the bottom of a rectangle box closed and keep the top portion that has been opened, as it is. The bottom will be the front of the robot and the back will be the part that opens up for the child to get inside. 

2- Cut out completely one of the sides to accommodate the child’s body.

3 – Cut a square in the middle of the remaining side of the box (in between the two open “wings.” This will be the space for the child’s neck. 

4 – Cut out two small openings in the middle of the “wings” and add a ribbon to keep the costume in place while the child wears it. 

Have the child wear the costume to make the final two square cuts on both sides of the box for the arms. Allow the cuts to be bigger than the kid’s  arms so it fits comfortably. 

Decorate it and add a ribbon to the back of the box so you can close the costume. 


1 – Trace a rectangular or round object into two small shoe boxes and cut them out. The object needs to be of a size that the child’s feet will be able to go through. I used a Pringles container. 

2 – Decorate it. 

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