How to look for a mental health therapist

The first step most people take when looking for a therapist is by contacting their health insurance provider and requesting a list of mental health providers in their area. They will likely provide a long list of providers, and the first question to ask when reaching the clinician is if they have current openings.

 A very helpful search tool is the website, Psychology Today ( You can narrow down your search by utilizing the site’s search options, such as listing your issue(s), your therapist gender preference, your health insurance and so on. You are able to read that therapist’s profile, contact information, and their location.  

A search for therapists can be done on Yelp or Google and you are likely to see comments and reviews about that person done by previous clients.  

For children, his or her school’s counseling office is a good resource for finding therapists that specialize in working with children. 

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