Materials –
Egg carton
Toilet paper roll
Brown marker
Hot glue gun
Cut the egg cartons as many as you would like to make into different ice cream flavors. Paint the egg cartons in the colors you would desire them to be. I made brown for chocolate flavor, orange as nectarine flavor, green for mint with chocolate chip flavor, red for cherry flavor, yellow for vanilla, and pink for strawberry flavor. I made a few marks on the green flavor with brown marker to make the chocolate chips. Paint the toilet paper rolls brown then draw lines horizontally and vertically with brown markers. Make a cross-sectional cut of approximately four inches on the toilet paper roll. Turn the toilet paper roll making a cone shape, the bottom part is tighter than the top of it, using the hot glue gun to keep it in place. Make sure the top of the cone is smaller than the opening of the egg carton making a good fitting.