I made two kinds of Halloween stamps so my toddler could play with paint while making spooky images…
This is a way to use recycled material but it takes a little more time to make and is a bit messier…
Materials –
Styrofoam piece
Knives (large and small)
Halloween cookie cutters – the metallic kind
Electronic lighter
Place the cookie cutter on top of the styrofoam to have an idea of size you will need for the stamp. Cut a square, with the large knife, to separate the piece you will need. Heat up the bottom of the cookie cutter and place it onto the styrofoam. I had to repeat this part several times heating different parts of the cutter each time. Cut the styrofoam all around the outside of the cutter and dig the knife to make the shape desired, as shown in the pictures.
This is an easier way of making the stamp but the potato will be waisted after the activity.
Materials –
Halloween cookie cutters
Cut the potato in half, you will utilize each half for a design. Dig the cutter into the potato and with a knife cut the potato all around the cutter as shown in the video.