Great handcrafted playdough. This is a recipe of a cooked playdough that I found @bubblesandbellylaugh. It was easy and worth making due to its texture and durability. I would love to hear if you attempt to make this recipe!
Materials –
1 cup of flour
1/4 cup of salt
2 teaspoons of cream of tartar
1 tablespoon of oil
1 cup of water
Food coloring
Glitter (optional)
Place all of the dry ingredients to a medium sauce pan and whisk. Add the wet ingredients and whisk it until it is completely clump free. Add up food coloring and cook on medium heat stirring constantly. Remove it from the pan once the dough has formed a solid clump. It will be very hot. The glitter can be added once the dough has cooled off. Wrap it in Saran Wrap to store it.