Hamburger and pizza out of cardboard

“Play pretend is a very important part of the development of children’s social, emotional, and cognitive skills. There are so many benefits to this kind of play, including the development of self-control and self-regulation, increased concentration, the ability to explore developmental skills through an area of interest, and an enjoyment of the process of learning rather than the product – all while also fostering social-emotional development and academic success.” Donna Housman, Ed.D.




Round objects of different sizes


Colored pens


Utilize 3 different round objects to make the pepperoni pizza. The largest circle is to make the pizza, another circle to make another circle slightly smaller than the first circle to create its crust. Smaller circles in the middle of the pizza for the pepperonis. Cut the pizza into as many slices as you would like. 


Cut two of each circle of three different sizes and glue them on top of each other to create the hamburger buns (top and bottom) then make the sesame seeds to the top bun with the colored pen. Make the hamburger with a circle that can be slightly bigger than the bun, and a tomato with a smaller circle. Make a cheese out of a square cut and paint them all.

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