Activity of matching feet and hands

This activity was designed for Boy 2.3 to cross the hall while matching the hands and feet that were chosen by me. I was able to engage him in the entire process of this activity. I used about five sheets of each of the four colors to represent my hands and feet. I used a dark blue for my left hand, light blue for my right hand, yellow for my left foot, and purple for my right foot. I used my hands and feet so it would be big enough for him to see and easier for him to step on top of them. I showed Boy 2.3 how to trace the hands and my sandals and he was capable of tracing them. I was the one to cut the hands and feet while he was practicing cutting a different paper with his toddler scissors.

I placed the prints on the floor with painter’s tape to not damage the floor. I kept his size in mind and the possible movements so the distance between each figure is a lot smaller than if I was making this activity for myself.

The actual execution of the activity was not what I had anticipated. Boy 2.3 was singing and dancing back and forth over the prints. He was 2 years and 4 months at that time but he did get to trace, practice using the scissors, and danced over a colorful floor…

This activity focused on attention, fine motor skills (tracing and cutting), physical activity.

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