About Bright Minded Kids

My name is Bruna Soares Thompson. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (86030) and I have been working as a children’s mental health therapist for the past five years. Since 2007, I have worked with children ranging in ages from birth to eighteen years. As of this writing (June, 2020) I have a two-and-a-half year old son and an eight month old daughter when I decided to start a blog.

It was during the Covid-19 pandemic, that I started posting various activities with my kids on Instagram. The warm and positive feedback I received, led me to the creation of this blog. My hope is to reach more people that will benefit from my sharing of my mental health resources and fun, creative activities.

There is one additional information about myself that I want to disclose since it will be obvious as you read this blog and watch some of my videos, I am Brazilian and speak Portuguese to my children. My husband and I have made the decision to raise our children to speak Portuguese, Spanish, and English. I solely speak Portuguese, we have a wonderful nanny that speaks Spanish, and my husband speaks English to them. It is very important to me that our children speak Portuguese since that is the language that they will use to communicate with my family. Spanish and English are the languages that they will be alphabetized in school. It can get messy at times but for the most part we can all understand each other fully. I have chosen to write this blog in English and Portuguese so my message can seen and heard by more people.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira